Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template

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Created: Oct 1, 2014

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

ID: 51405

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Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 1Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 2Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 3Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 4Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 5Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 6Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 7Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 8Civil Group - Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template - Features Image 9

Flexible Civil Engineering HTML5 Website Template

A civil engineering HTML5 website template is a powerful solution offering you everything necessary for building a powerful website. Nowadays, every company heavily depends on its website. Such sites are used not only as a source of information but also as a marketing tool. A well-designed website provides easier promotion of various products and services. Still, building such a website is a costly matter.

For that reason, HTML5 templates have been more popular recently. They are affordable and reliable as they allow you to build a stunning website quickly. Thanks to the integrated Bootstrap 4 framework, these solutions are also responsive and easy-to-maintain. If you are looking for a well-designed template for your civil engineering or construction company, our Civil Group HTML5 solution is just what you need. It was crafted by web industry experts to fit the needs of modern business.

HTML5 Template for Civil Engineering Loaded with Features

Our civil engineering HTML5 website template is an impressive solution offering a detailed layout. With it, you can post any kind of content, from text to images. Whether you prefer sharing information about your services or post news, Civil Group will fit you just perfectly. Moreover, this template has a variety of functional benefits. Its numerous features can be used to enhance your website's user experience. They include:

  1. W3C valid coding;
  2. SEO-ready & responsive layout;
  3. Google Fonts & Google Maps;
  4. Cross-browser support;
  5. Immersive CSS3 animations & transitions;
  6. SCSS & Pug source files etc.

Besides the abovementioned features, our template has a lot of other great advantages. For example, you can use the informative slider. It is well-suited for attracting your customers' attention and posting their feedback. Also, you can use the working forms to make your website more interactive. The Civil Group civil engineering HTML5 website template also supports embed media (e.g. videos). And other parts of the template like carousels and a stick-to-top menu will make your site even more attractive.

Customizable & Multipage HTML Solution

Any website owner wants their website to be original. That's why we have implemented the built-in UI kit. It allows you to improve the look of various pages. You can add and edit such elements as progress bars, buttons, tables, etc. These elements will add more variety to your website. Also, you can benefit from using various pre-designed pages. They will allow you to tell more about your company as well as describe your services. Besides, with a ready-made gallery, it will be easy to showcase your recent projects.

If you are looking for more information about this civil engineering HTML5 website template, feel free to read its documentation. It describes how to properly install & use such templates. Also, the documentation answers various common questions about static HTML solutions. However, if you need additional support, our friendly and qualified team will be glad to help. We also hope that our template catalog will be of great use when you decide to build your next online project.


Civil Group Version 2.2 (February 26, 2021):

  • UPD: Swiper to 5.3.1;
  • UPD: PageTransition to 1.1.4;
  • UPD: Countdown;
  • UPD: Counter;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Civil Group Version 2.1 (December 22, 2020)


  • UPD: Bootstrap to 4.5.3;
  • UPD: Popper to 1.16.1;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Civil Group Version 1.2 (October 13, 2020)


  • UPD: SCSS optimization;
  • UPD: Scripts updated;
  • FIX: Project structure;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Civil Group Version 1.1 (December 17, 2019)


  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

12 Reviews for this product

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Super modèle maniable, j'ai pu l'adapté à mon backoffice avec boostrap.
Thank you for your feedback! We're glad to hear you could easily adapt it to your back office with Bootstrap.
Perfect temaplate - with source graphics, works great on mobile devices. Perfect temaplate - with source graphics, works great on mobile devices. Perfect temaplate - with source graphics, works great on mobile devices. Perfect temaplate - with source graphics, works great on mobile devices. Perfect temaplate - with source graphics, works great on mobile devices. Perfect temaplate - with source graphics, works great on mobile devices.
un template completo e adattivo per le mie esigenze lavoro con templatemoster da ormai tantissimi anni e mi trovo sempre bene
Купили второй шаблон в, так как с первым всё прошло на ура. Выбор пал на более дорогой шаблон, так как требовалась большая функциональность на сайте. Как и при покупке первого шаблона, с покупкой второго всё прошло также гладко. Но сам шаблон немного огорчил: встроенные в шаблон скрипты мешали вносить изменения и отключить их все сразу невозможно, так как многое завязано на них, поэтому пришлось потратить много времени на поиск в 30-ти подключаемых библиотеках.
Very usefull and very easy to implement to my custom CMS. First time use scss so with minimal effort I make a lot of changes to my design and colots. Very good organisation in PSD so I make Easy change my logo and some graphics. I have a lot of page samples and I make very good content organisation with the sample teplates. I will recomend my exeriancy to my collegs and I hope thay will purchase some theme from your wenmb site. Thank you for everthing. Best regards, Ivo

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